Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I have always taught all of my kids not to freak over little bugs. In fact I often times will go out "Bug-Hunting" with the kids, more times with Alex and Emily than the other kids, or maybe I have forgotten about the older kids times' since it was forever ago. SO, Alex has a new fascination with bringing Ants into the house because they are his friends. as much as this warms my heart, I soon snap back to reality and try my hardest to explain that ANTS have to stay outside. I mean it IS summer time and who wants to have more ants in thier home than what come in already. GAH. I have tried to understand the utter fascination with boys and bugs, no clue why they are just thrilled with the thought of playing with them, watching them crawl around and then squashing them. we have been Lightning bug hunting for the past few weeks, the kids get the most fun out of that. I love it too, so many memories of being able to stay up past dark when I was a child, and I love that I am able to share that with my children, HOWEVER, ALex otoh, just loves his little bugs To death. Litterally. thier little green lights, just amaze him to the point that he almost needs to dissect them to find out just why they glow the way they do. Im hoping this is a sign that he will be an animal activist,but who knows. he doesnt purposely hurt the animals for fun, he is just so amazed at how they work he wants to learn more. I think several animal biology books are in order for his upcoming birthday.

Sunday, June 10, 2007


Being 4 almost 5 must be wonderful. your basically catered to, You are able to "mouth" your parents with little to no punishment. You speak in your own language and your parents understand you. You torment and tease your older brothers to the point where they really want to hurt you, and then bat your eyes at your mom, only to have her stick up for whatever it is that you did. Pretty much you could kill the cat ( we dont have one) and then look at your mom with those great big eyes and beautiful smile, and she instantly forgets all that you do. Here are a few words that I love when Alex tells me.

Ding Dong: = Taco Bell. ie: MAHM, you loooove that place, you know that ding dong place.

Happy Face Man:= KFC. OH mahm, you know I just love that happy face man place. its got good cheecken.

Buddah King: = can I got to Buddah king with seeesah? huh mahm.

Sadly enough I cannot post anymore this evening, BEcause MY 4 yr old is too busy getting into things he shouldnt .